Sunday, December 30, 2007

Picking the right candidate

There are several sources online to help you pick the presidential candidate that most closely resembles your beliefs and values for the current election.

The tip here is, you better choose now, just to see who might fit, because in a few weeks - after the primary season gets going-- chances are the candidate that closely aligns to your beliefs will be out of the running.

And I bet you are surprised by who you pick. I know I was....

Try these links.

In a surprise (to me) upset- it looks like Chris Dodd should be my man, but he didn't win the nomination back when he was Lloyd Benson, so I imagine he's not going to win now either. Coming in second or first depending on how I change my  mind is Mike Gravel, but really, I don't see him as a viable candidate either. So when it gets down to it - the polls say I'm either a Obama or Edwards guy, and I think I'm okay with that. And while I love Bill, I won't vote Hillary. And it has nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman. I would vote for one if there was a good option out there. I won't vote for her because it feels like everytime she talks, she's yelling. And now that I'm all growns up, I know that I don't need some lady yelling at me all the time. Reason #5 on why T is divorced.

Anyway- Try the links and enjoy.
Gin Hahn,

Congrads to me...

I just won my football pool - Take that bitches!

I think I win a couple hundred bucks. Nice!

For the record, on the season I am 174-81 at picking the winning team. Not too bad. One week I only missed one game. And in case you were wondering, my team name.... Leave me a Lohan. It seemed relevant at the time.

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Color Me Surprised

It's not enough that Britney's 16 year old sister is pregnant, I'm more disappointed in the fact that the Today show had to mention it in the first 10 mins of the show, during the real news. Nevermind the rumor that OK magazine paid her $1 million for pics of the baby. It may just be the end of the world as we know it.

I suppose I should have seen that it was coming this summer when Jon Benet Ramsey's dad started dating Natalie Holloway's mom. (Sorry I don't make this stuff up people.)

Here's hopin' we can find some sanity in '08.

Gin Hahn,

PS- Watch the video for more crazy shit I didn't make up....

Saturday, December 15, 2007

At least they wore clean underwear...

Okay, truth is I can't verify that fact. But I'm hopeful that when the day started, it was clean.

Anyway here's a gem from our friends over at the Smoking Gun. People wear the strangest shirts when the get arrested. 

And to think these are all just from the last few months. #3 is my favorite.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, December 14, 2007

I Think it's gonna be a long, long time

This one is for all you Elton John Fans.

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Rough Week

Hi All,

Its been a long week (or two) since I posted. That's good, right? It means there has been a lot going on.

Lets start with the fun stuff. 

Went with a friend last Monday night to see the reunited Van Halen play Key Arena. They weren't that bad. Eddie proved he's still a Guitar God is you believe in such things, and David Lee Roth has finally wised up and realized that nobody goes to see Dave. Unfortunately they ignore the Sammy Hagar years. And I actually like those best.

In other news, working a lot. Maybe too much. But that's what needs to happen to keep a job in this market. So yes, if you are wondering, I still have one, and should be safe for a while. My team was the only unaffected one that I'm aware of in my division. I of course won't mention my company here, but if you are close, you know, and you know we've been in the news a lot lately. (Wow- too many commas.)

Kids are okay - christmas has me pretty stressed out. I just don't have time or energy to shop. Of course I suppose few do. Anyway I had a few minutes while I'm waiting for some proofs back so I thought I'd give you an update.

Hopefully I'll have some more free time, and something to say soon.

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Ex-Husbands of King County

So I'd like to pitch this reality show.

Actually I have a friend who suggested it, he said it'd actually be compelling TV and that he'd watch. Which is cool because he doesn't watch much.

Anyway another friend of mine also has a crazy ex. Her kids wised up and all live with him now. (After she moved them out of the state - they all wanted to come back and go to high school with their friends and their dad really isn't half bad either) 

So check this out, this guy has basically been living in a cardboard box for the past few years to get by while he sent most of his paycheck out of state. (I on the other hand just keep going deeper and deeper in debt- but that's another story) Over the past two years, his kids have all moved up here to live with him (except the one who has since moved on to an Ivy league school.) Anyway his ex is now trying to sue him for more alimony so that she can afford her new child support bill.

Of course you'd watch. You can't look away.

Gin Hahn,

Goin' off the rails on a crazy train


I thought I was going to get thru November with only one bout of craziness from that complete bitch.

I was wrong. I should know better.

Everyone always says don't get sucked in, she isn't right, she is crazy.

But I have to deal with it. Why is it that just because you were stupid enough to marry someone once you have to be forever linked to them and have to put up with their crazy shit?

Isn't more than half my income each year enough? Isn't that the price of my sanity?

Can't I move on with my life without it hurting my children? Don't I deserve that? Don't they? Doesn't myICE? Doesn't the crazy one?

Can you put a restraining order on craziness?

How come she doesn't have the same filter the rest of us do?

Why is it okay for her to spew ridiculous accusations my way and get of scot free? If I say anything back she goes crazier and tells my kids stupid stuff. I'd never do that. She knows that. She knows I won't even defend stupid stuff to them, so they grow up filled with terrible facts about their dad in their heads.

Sure someday they'll see who's crazy. But for once, can someday come today?

Someday, if you are out there... I really could use you... Just this once... please... pretty please...

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Almost impossible rock & roll quiz...

Put together by our friends over at Rolling Stone is the Almost Impossible Rock and Roll Quiz. 

Give this baby a shot, I scored a 38. Can you do better? Tell me your score and which question was the hardest/most ridiculous.

I will be impressed.

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Can you really trust...

A mechanic that rides the bus to work?

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Boss, the heat, and MyICE

Hi All,

Just got back last night from a great trip to the desert. MyICE and I took a long weekend and stayed with her 'rents in Palm Desert. It was very nice. I've never been there before - wouldn't be my first place to go back to, unless it was with the same company- we had a really great time.

About a month ago, we learned that Mr. Springsteen would be in the area while we were down there, and since he's not heading to the 206 this time around, we thought we might try to get some tix. Long story short... reason 243 why MyICE is so great, she managed to score us some seats to the show! WINNER! The show was pretty good- I had a blast, but was left a bit wanting for more, I guess Bruce and I are both getting older and neither of us can rock out for as long as we used to, but I still miss those 3+ hour shows. (See the unbiased :) review here   we were at the 10/29 show)

For those of you who've been here for a while , you know that I pretty much despise LA. Still holds true, although I have found one thing I like and wish they would adopt up here. Bottled wine sales at the concession stands. That's right folks- for a modest fee (actually we compared it to the other options and it was the best deal going) they sell you a bottle of wine, pour it into a milk carton type thing, give you a few plastic cups and send you on your way. You don't have to go back for another drink and miss the show. Brilliant!

Other trip hi-lights... 
Relaxing by the pool. Last second in and out. The outlet mall. 2 different potato sides with dinner at Flemings. Tennis in 90 degree heat. 500+ miles on the rental car (feels like a lot for 3 nights.).

Most of all we had some good bonding time, and MyICE and I got some well needed downtime - here's hoping that it'll get us thru the next few months.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, October 26, 2007

Leopard and Lovin' it

Howdy folks-

Just thought I'd drop you a note to say that I've upgraded my operating system to the latest version of the mac os, and it rocks. Tons of cool new goodies. Superfast. Easy to use. Must be an Apple product.

I'm heading out of town for a little weekend and a Springsteen show.

Details to follow.

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Has T lost his mind?

Dear Gentle Readers,

I have not been posting much lately, and I apologize for that. There has been a lot going on in life lately, and really very little time for blogging. Frankly I've been so tired I really haven't felt like I've had much to say.

And, also, I've been spending as much time as possible on my new ride. That's right, the motorcycle "experiment" was successful enough that I decided to get a real bike. This is the real thing baby. V-Twin motor Liquid Cooled SOHC ABS Brakes Tribal Flames The Whole Nine Yards.

The photo isn't my exact ride - it's what I could find online. I'll try to post some real shots at some point, but until then feel comfort in knowing that I am having a blast. And am quite a bit safer and more comfortable than I was on my old bike. I use the excuse that I'm now saving $10 a day in parking costs (they went up again, but motorcycles stayed the same) but the reality is thats all fine and dandy - but I'm hooked now and would ride the bike most days even if the cost was the same.

Other notes - read if you choose to, but don't bother telling me that I'm going to kill myself now. I am an extremely careful rider and I know that on the road, its you in your car that is my own worst enemy. (Face- I'd worry about my ex, but she makes more if I'm alive - she'll wait another 2 years before making me a target.)

0-60 I've heard 3 sec. but haven't/wont try that myself. 60-0 the same. About 120 feet. Don't want to test that one either. Yes, I do ride on Aurora now. Office to home yesterday was 7 mins. But that was middle of the day (and I was a bit over the limit, but still a bit slower than the rest of the traffic- safely with the flow) Even so, I'll choose to take the long way most days, just because I like the ride.

I've learned that one of the reasons I like the bike so much is because it is truly the only time during my day when I'm not multitasking. No phone calls, no computer and conference calls. The other day, I was on a call, IM'ing with 4 separate coworkers carrying on 4 separate conversations on one computer, while working on multiple projects on the other computer all at the same time. And then my cell rang - I muted my line on the conference call and took the cell call from my vendor who was frantically trying to reach me. What the Fuck has become of us? Does anything get all your attention anymore? The kids do- but that is pretty few and far between. MyICE and I even struggle with it lately as she has been working really f'd up hours and then gets home and we both have work to do still. Ahhh, the modern couple.

Anyway, I should get going - she's out of town this weekend and I'm left to my own devices, which may be pretty entertaining. Not because I can't handle myself, but because I'm going out with some of our friends tonight to celebrate a birthday and I'm planning on having a good time. MyIce wrote down the number of the cab co for me, but Ross ate the paper as she handed it to me. I think he's gonna try to get me in trouble.

So if you get a call from me tonight, pick up... it'll be funny, or sad, but legendary none the less.

I'm Out. Gotta go buy some more Husky Beer.
Gin Hahn,

Friday, September 28, 2007

Great Inventions... The Telestrator

John Madden is the master of using the Telestrator to show you what's going on in the game.

This little clip show's he's "mastered" the art.

Gin Hahn,

Send me your best

Dylan Message. My inbox is waiting.

I know you are out there.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, September 21, 2007

Alive and Kicking!

If you listen to the hype. The record industry is dead. No one is making good music anymore. It's impossible to get a record deal.( okay- well that's what's holding me back) iTunes killed Tower Records. Metallica hates music fans... etc.

The thing is this is going to be a great fall. I'm stoked. There are a ton of good records ( I still call them that, you can buy vinyl, or CD's if you want. I generally buy everything online, but I still call them records. Bands make records.) coming out or out now.
Here are a few that I'm waiting for, or that are out and I think you should buy.
Bruce Springsteen
Duran Duran
Dashboard Confessional
Pat Monahan
Counting Crows
Kanye West
Jay Z
Eddie Vedder
LCD Soundsystem

Maybe later when I'm not busy, I'l tell you about them.

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Star Wars Fan?

You will find this funny.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, September 14, 2007

Glad I'm not...

1. A Portland Trailblazers fan. 

Number one pick in the draft, energizes the city and gets them to rally around the home team. Out for the season before training camp.

2. A Patriots fan.
If they have any sense in New England, they'll ban cameras in the stadium so that they don't get themselves into any more trouble. Because they weren't cheating, just planning on it later.

3. You
Because after the first two lame ass items, you're still here reading. Don't you have something better to do with your time? Clearly I'm avoiding work at the moment.

3. The "Leave Britney Alone" Guy
Because this won't make you  a movie star, if you're career goes well  we'll be seeing you in gay porn... okay I won't, but someone will. (I apologize for posting this link- I'm usually a bit hipper than this, but if I left it off, I'd feel responsible for you not having to watch it.)

4. The next President of the United States
Because your administration has already  been assfucked by  GWBush. (Sorry for the extra gay reference, but as they say... if the dick fits.... no that's not it, When in Rome.... well, you know what I mean.)

5. 50 Cent
Because the white kids like Kanye better. Even though that AYO Technology song is dope.

6. Britney's Belly
Like my johnson, it's really not that big. But people sure like to talk about it.

7. K-Fed
Because the system is screwed. From a distance, he clearly has a better chance of being a responsible parent at the moment. But he's the dad and in the words of Sting ...

"The park is full of Sunday fathers and melted ice cream
We try to do the best within the given time
A kid should be with his mother
Everybody knows that
What can a father do but baby-sit sometimes?"

8. Perez Hilton
Since we have a theme show today. This fat, lame ass has been is showing up everywhere. I don't care what he has to say. I have nothing against fat people. Its lame people that I hate.

Wait- What if they had a celebrity version of American Idol, but instead of singing, they rapped. Sounds like a shitty idea that no celebrities would sign up for, and no one would watch. Holy Shit! I wasn't dreaming like I was when I thought that some bad tv commercials are too short so they should make 1/2 hour sitcom's out of them ( Caveman ) They really have one of those shows, only the only "celebrities" they could find are Perez Hilton and the not-hot/not-smart one of hef's girlfriends. Which to the rest of us means DON'T WATCH SO YOU THINK YOU WHO WANTS TO BE A CELEBUTARD WRAPPER! You will bleed from your eyes and ears.

9. My "friend" John
You play guitar like a motherfucker. That being said, the new girl is way hotter than that muppet you were dating for the publicity, but as funny as the new chick is, at the end of the day, she just lays there and worries about messing her hair up. That's why it didn't work between her and I. John, I know you'll have the same demise. For christ sakes, she tried to pretend that it wasn't her. That was the last time she had any fun. I guess the "industry makes you jaded."


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Traveling again

But I'm back now, so I'll drop a few posts in as I get a chance.

Anything in particular you'd like me to talk about?

Gin Hahn,

Thursday, August 30, 2007

1,000 miles

My friend asked the other day for an update on the "motorcycle experiment."

As of this week, I have passed the 1,000 mile mark. So it seems like a good time to determine if the bike is breaking even yet.

I spent $800 on the bike. And I've rode it 1,000 miles - lets say that's 1,ooo a didn't put on my car.
Cost of 1,000 miles in gas at 25 mpg and $3.00 a gallon = About $120
Lets assume the bike get 50mpg (It might be a bit higher - I only spend about $5 a week.) so the gas saving there is $60.

Cost to park  a car- $14 a day x 4 days a week x 11 weeks $616 (not counting overages- they charge more if you are there for more than 10 hours, it kicks up to about $20, and happens at least once a week but we won't count it yet.)

Cost to park a bike $5 a day x 4 days a week x 11 weeks = $220 (and no overages) So the parking saving is....$396

So all in all, I've saved about $450, not bad for a guy who generally spends lots and saves very little. And considering we have 1 maybe 2 more months of decent riding weather, I may get to the $800 yet.

Also, you can't put a $ value on how much I'm enjoying it. Or how cool it makes me :)

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Boss is Back!

Okay, one of the many things that I can be made fun of is my love for Bruce Springsteen. I've been a fan for longer than I care to admit. ( still I feel like I missed some of the best days) I buy all his records. Even the videos. Even the ones I don't like all that much. Then of course there are others that I can still listen to 15-20 years later and still enjoy, and find something new in.

Many of the tunes have been my soundtrack songs. You know, those songs you listen too to get you through a tough time, or remind you of a good time. (Thunder Road, Lucky Town, One Step Up, 57 Channels and Nothing on... okay not really that one, just seeing if you we're reading or skimming-- I hilighted my favorite versions of those for you from the store.)

Good News! Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band have an album coming out October 2. Better news. They're doing a world tour together. If you get the chance. Go. If they come to your town, see them. You don't have to be  a fan, but you will be rewarded. His past tours with the E Street Band have been like a good old time rock and roll religious tent revival. I'm not sure what that is either, but one thing is certain, you walk out of there feeling like you were just baptized with 20,000 of your closest friends.

Anyway, this week only you can get the single from the new album free on iTunes. I don't love the tune. But I'll bet you your ticket price that I'll love it after seeing it live. 

In the mean time, if you are a Bruce fan like me, and passed over the latest folksy stuff, give the new Live in Dublin album a shot. There are some really good tracks on it.

Gin Hahn,

I Wanna Be a RockStar

Do you see me in this video?

Or maybe you?

I can't get this song out of my head, which drives me crazy because in general I find this band extremely annoying.

When they came on the radio (okay Sirius Satellite Radio) I used to shout. "I want my Nickel BACK!"

Now, I find myself shouting.... "I want my Nickelback!

Gin Hahn,

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sorry, I'm back.

Apologies for not posting much lately. I was traveling.

I had to visit Milwaukee on a press check for work. My lovely ICE came along and we made a weekend in Chicago out of it. I got back and was so swamped with work, I rarely checked my personal email, let alone visited the net, or my blog.

I'm certain there was tons for me to write about that's gone on lately in the rest of the world, but I really haven't paid that much attention so for the moment- I'll skip that stuff.

In Chicago, we had terrible weather, but we still discovered a few gems. 

They were filming the new Batman movie across the street from our hotel, I saw a Gotham police car- that was kinda cool.

We ate at a cool place called Bin 36 which was really a lot of fun. If you live in the Seattle area, think Purple, but with better service, more wines, a sports bar, and retail store too. If you are from someplace else, then I'll say visit Chi-town and hit Bin 36.

We tried to go to the cool art museum, but it was seriously raining, and we didn't bring rain coats, and there was absolutely no way that we could get from the car to the front door without looking like we just got out of the shower with our clothes on, so we didn't make it. (Good to have a reason to go back)

BTW- if you are over 5 foot 7 and they offer to upgrade your car rental to the convertible PT Cruiser, just say no.

Hmmm, appears that I'm in a rambling mood.

Michael Vick? I'm not really a "pet person" but I was thinking maybe they should just toss him in the ring with the dogs, just once. And I'm glad that I'm not Stephon Marbury's PR guy. Sure he gets prop's for $10 shoes, bet dude... just say no comment.

And just exactly how did they decide on 82 mins? Not 84 or 63, but 82. Did she even have a chance to get into her cell in that amount of time?

Apple is selling refurbished iPhones for $100 less than the others. Over the years I have purchased many refurbished items from Apple. Will this be another?

Gotta run...

Gin Hahn,

At least Hooters is honest

They understand and call it a swimsuit pageant. The people at Miss Teen USA will try to tell you its all about scholarships, etc. If its about scholarships, then why was this brainiac third-runner up? I don't think there is really anything more for me to say. The video speaks for itself.

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Your music, only in a different order

Here''s a cool- free toy to try.

Go over to and download and install their software. Once its loaded, select three songs you like in iTunes and tell it to make a playlist. It will go to YOUR iTunes library and make a playlist for you. It's great. The first time I tried it, Gold! Second time, Gold.
The filter Rocks,
Gin Hahn,

Friday, August 17, 2007

3 More Notes to Mom and Dad

Appears someone was reading my blog, and sent me a few more messages from that wonderful european vacation...

Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: By The Way

Apparently, when you get back, you'll need to work on finding new moorage for the boat, it seems that the marina frowns upon nude sunbathing. Who knew?

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:10 PM
Subject: Took a night off...

Hi Guys-
Hope you trip is going well.
Everything here is fine- I decided that I needed a little time off from the non stop fun we've been having in your absence so I don't really have a lot to report, except did you know that if you back up the toilet in the upstairs bathroom it leaks right into the kitchen?
The kids say "Hi"-

Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: Did you know?

Hi guys,
I know your trip is wrapping up, I hope that it is going well. When I stopped by the house today to make sure all the clean up/repairs were finished I noticed that they were demolishing the house next door. Did you know they were doing this?
Oh well- look forward to hearing all about your trip-

Anyway- I think that's the legacy of the trip... I wonder why no one asks me to housesit?

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I just want 10%

I often wish that I could get paid just 10% of what I save my company each year. 

Anyway here is further proof that AT&T apparently didn't attend the Live Earth concerts. 
(And that I'm not an employe)

How much does it cost to mail a 300 page phone bill? Apparently about $7. 
(Ex-wife take note, you could have stuffed a lot more stuff in that package -- too bad your imagination ran short.) 

Anyway, I think I'm going to throw my hat in at AT&T maybe I could be one of those "consultants" big companies hire. "So I've got this idea, if we switch our billing default to summary billing, and make it so that customers have to request or sign up for itemized billing, we can save... let me see here 250,000 iPhone customers x $7 postage and lets say $3 printing, times 12 times a year.... carry the one..... $30 million a year in cost saves."

Gin Hahn,

Monday, August 13, 2007

And on the bass...

How could I leave this behind?

Spinal Tap Live from Live Earth!

Enjoy- Gin Hahn,

Saturday, August 11, 2007

One Final Note to Mom and Dad...

There is another email out there somewhere, but I can't find it, so for now, we'll call this the last one.

I meant to email last night, however, it seems the "one phone call" policy doesn't include an email- and my lawyer said that since I already owed him so much money, maybe an overnight stay would do me some good.

I did make several new friends during my stay, they are all coming over tonight, which is good because your housekeeper was there yesterday, so we should have a nice spot to come home to. (These guys have such a good sense of humor- they all had these really ironic names like "Tiny", "Shorty", "Red"..."Killer"...)

I gotta tell you though, I'm getting real tired of rolling a keg up your driveway every night. 1-It's loud, and 2-those things are pretty heavy. You know, it would have been more considerate of you to live on the other side of the street- I guess you'll know for next time. Oh and I haven't meet the woman across the street yet, but they're a St. Johns family right? I forgot to tell you about how we we're checking out the mercedes and the parking brake slipped. The Car is fine, and I think that fixing the brickwork will be pretty simple, but I have to wait until the woman gets back from the hospital to get permission to fix it. Apparently she's kind of "uptight" and when the car came crashing in, well.... The medics said she would be fine once she gets out her stress induced catatonic state.

Anyway-I hope the bus ride isn't too hard on dad- I hear that they aren't air conditioned and since the greeks don't believe in deodorant, that could be one long ride.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007


From: T
Subject: Forty-Three
Date: June 24, 2005 8:18:22 PM PDT
To: Mom and Dad

That's how many people you can fit on the boat before the portholes are below the water level.

Just thought you should know,

Monday, August 6, 2007

Have you ever...

About two years ago, my folks went to Europe. They told me I could stay at or use their house if I wanted to while they were gone. (an offer I didn't take them up on) Anyway, while they were gone I sent them a series of emails, that from time to time get referenced by others.

Since I barely remember them, and my brother called one out yesterday I decided to look them up myself. And I thought I'd post them here over the next few days so that I can find them again someday if I need them.

So without anymore fanfare or explanation, here's the first message. Sent 6/20/05

Hi Dad-
OK- I'm totally confused by the time difference- I wanted to call you to wish you a happy fathers day, but I keep thinking about it too late in the day. So does this get partial credit?

Hope you are enjoying your trip so far, we had a great party last night at your house. Don't worry, we'll get the broken windows and furniture fixed before you get back. 

Do you know how to get women's undergarments out of the hot tub jets? I do now, I can pass the tip along. 

By the way I couldn't find the chlorine stuff you were talking about, but I figured that we spilled enough champagne, tequila and vodka to balance it out. 

I got a little nervous when the police came, but a few of the ladies persuaded them to let the party roll on. 

When I left for work this morning, everyone that I knew was out of the house... there were a few people still there, but since I didn't know them I assumed that you knew them and I didn't want to disturb them- they looked a little psychotic.

Anyway if you get this- feel free to give me a call anytime I'm not worried about losing sleep, I don't plan on doing much of that this week anyway, what with the whole gang coming back over tonight....

Happy Fathers Day-

Saturday, August 4, 2007

An Uncharacteristic Moment of Sanity

Last weekend may have been the most difficult so far in my young life.

Things really came to a head with boys as their mother sold the house that they live in and amped up her threats to move them north to Bellingham. I'll spare the world all the details, just say that in no uncertain terms she has made it clear in their minds that they have to move because of me.

My youngest mentioned how Bill Gates and I are very much alike, we both are really rich, but he shares his money and I keep it all to myself.

Now, if you know me at all, you probably know that while I may spend money like I am, I'm not rich, and I don't believe that any of this conversation is something that should be had with an 8 year old. Kids should be kids, Financial issues should never come to mind. And certainly dirty laundry between parents should stay between parents, it should never be used as a wedge between parents and children. (I understand that this is my blog- and I get to be one sided - but people get divorced. And no matter what anyone thinks, its never just one persons fault. You would think some people would pick that up in a years worth of marriage counseling)

Anyway, lets just say it was a long weekend and leave it at that.

Anyhoo, back to the moment of clarity. In a stunner, the crazy person that is my ex wife somehow realized that she in fact could afford to live in the city, (especially after walking away with what I imagine will be around 300K from selling the family home - I say imagine because 1- I really don't want to know, and 2- The kids were instructed not to tell me - I didn't ask, but that did come up) 

So I'm getting tired of writing, but for all of you out there who may be concerned. They kids are staying put. (In a bizarre twist that I won't share with them- they now only live about two blocks from my-ICE. The crazy bitch need not know where she lives) They have found a great new place that the boys are really excited to move into. One that fits a family their size so much better than what they had before. ( Not many 16 year-olds want to share a bedroom with a 9 year old) 

The looming threat for the last year has gone away, and apparently I do pay her too much for her to get public assistance, even in Bellingham they don't give it to people who make enough to have a house, a car, HBO,  and all their groceries and dinners delivered. 

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ahh, the neighborhood.....

I love where I live. 

I love that there are a ton of things that I can walk to. (Okay- truth... I've walked to dinner twice from here, and coffee twice, and the video store once.) But the thing is, I can if the mood strikes me. 

I've been thinking about moving, especially if the kids move to Bellingham (which is looking more and more like a reality these days) that I may move too. Someplace that is more convenient for My-ICE, too. (Do not read Tacoma) And really, in fairness to her and I and our lives together we should start building a place that is ours and not just mine or hers, but I digress, and while she does read my blog I'll drop in my usual disclaimer here that the whole world shouldn't read too much into what I've written here and no, I didn't just ask her to officially move in with me in front of the entire world. Things just keep evolving. And of course you would be the first person we told if there was anything to tell, and by the way, much to nobody's surprise, Nicole Richie is now actually confirming that she is pregnant. (See what I did there)

Anyhow, if I actually did move, I would plug any potential new address into this website before moving, just to make sure I was heading someplace where I could roam the streets and find good eats, or a haircut.

BTW, my current estate scored a 77 out of a potential 100, which I think is a pretty good score. (For a point of reference, the house I grew up in scored a 37, and the boys house in Ballard scores a 60.)

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Favorite lines...

Fortunately, I've either said, or had these said to me... and no one was joking!

Do you need glasses? (With the pitcher of beer you are buying) 
Why, was I squinting?

One of these cookies has only 100 calories. 
Really, which one?

I had a bunch of others in my head, but they've disappeared for now, so I'll keep adding to this post later.

Gin Hahn

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Can't get this out of my head

So we saw this band this weekend called Menomena. Now I may not have spelled it right, but the name came after that Sesame Street bit.

Or so everyone tells me. But everyone remembers the bit differently, so I have compiled a few of them here for you.
Before you click, I warn you. Its addicting. The people around you will love it at first, probably sing along like Gareth Keenen did with David Brent in The Office, but eventually, you will all go crazy.

Its a shorter trip for some.

The Premiere on the Ed Sullivan Show from 1969.

From the Muppet Show.

For you Gamers out there... The Halo Version.

Here's one for the True Believers.

If you are so inclined - you can buy a version by the Peeps - you know, the candy you eat at easter.

Jin Hahn,

My friend John is at it again...

At a recent show, 63 of his fans were arrested for doing bad things, here is the last paragraph from his open letter to those fans....

"In looking to the future, I hope that this will serve as a wake-up call to young fans who may be thinking about engaging in illegal activity at one of my concerts. If I happen to be walking backstage and I see any of you young men passed out drunk on a stretcher, make no mistake about it, you will come-to in front of your disappointed parents with a face full of Sharpie and the sneaking suspicion that you've been teabagged by one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people of 2007."

Read the full story here.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, July 20, 2007

My First '08 Endorsement

Vote for an honest man you can trust.

(Drink more) Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Don't breathe this...

From the folks who make the worlds most amazing blender.

I dare you to try this with your iPhone.

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tech Review: Universal Swivel Search

Still don't have a TiVo?

Here is yet another reason to get one. Universal Swivel Search.

Here's how it works, you pick something you like, then you find out about it. You can see What it is, when its on, who is in it, the director... But what's really cool is that all those things are related, so say you like Grey's Anatomy (I'm a guy, so obviously I don't, but say you do) You can then click on the "If you like this... " and see a list of similar shows. (You can even download and buy them from Amazon Unbox)

Say you like one of the actors, when you click on them, it shows you other things they've been in, and so on, and so on...

It works with directors and producers too, so its real easy to find those Mark Burnett productions we all know you still watch.

Did you know? Your TiVo also plays music from your iTunes, shows pictures from your computer on your TV. Lets you find movie times and buy tickets (I know so does your computer or cell phone, but I did it this morning without getting out of bed... its nice once a year) And maybe coolest of all- you can schedule it remotely - someone at work tells you about a cool show they saw, you can go to the web, find the show, and tell your tivo to pick it up. Last time I checked you can't do any of that with the cable companies box.

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Coming soon to a club near you

Because there is nothing better than some goofy white guys singing girl power pop songs.

Never again will I feel bad for singing "You make me feel like a natural woman" in the shower.

They have a video you can rent, or an album you can buy. If you get the chance you should see them live.

Gin Hahn,

PS- No, I know, this isn't new - they we're in Old School, and I saw the special on Bravo a few years ago... But one of their tunes popped up in my iTunes, and I thought, you know what, people should know about them, and... people read my blog, so... now you know.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Came home from work today and the house next door to me was gone. 

By gone I mean a all that was left was a pile of rubbish, a dumpster, and a digger. I guess my neighbor is getting a new house.

My trip to LA was good, but that town is a god forsaken wasteland. MyICE arranged a play date for me with one of her friends, which was really fun, we had a few nice drinks and chatted about how cool myICE is. Not only that, it meant I didn't have to have dinner and drinks with my vendor. As I text'd S during my stay, spending time there helps me to understand why those celebutards are the way they are. 

From a business standpoint- it still is fun sometimes going on press checks, unfortunately I was at the plant 6 (i think, maybe more) times in a day and a half. Good thing my hotel was 5 min away.

My Ice reminded me today that 3-10 would've been nice, but is really more like 4-17, so apparently neither of us will be all-star's this year. However next weekend we're going to PTown. K if you are reading this, I hope you can join us for a beer or something.

Speaking of All Stars, GO AJ! Win State! I hope you aren't one of my loyal readers though, most of my posts are definitely NSFS.

Grease monkey report - bike is running like a dream, but I was so excited for one of my 4-17 days last night that I left the key in it... Now I have to buy a battery charger for it. Sure the bike was only $800, but soon I'll be hitting $800 worth of gear and accessories for it. :)

Oh, and I haven't shaved since last Wednesday, so I think this weekend M and I may play the shaving game... maybe we'll post some pics'.

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

99 Bottles of Beer on the wall

Someone had way too much time on their hands.

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Week That Was 7/7/07

Say what you will about Al Gore... Forget that he put together the whole Live Earth concert, and all that. ( Here's the deal on that. from my perspective- I tivo'd all 22 hours, and honestly- if they would have cut out 3/4's of the PSA's about how we were fucking up the planet- I could have saved so much energy.... and disk space.)

The fact is, his kid Al Gore III was arrested last week for possession, and you know what? I'm voting for that MF'er. His kid got a Prius to go 100mph. That is AWESOME!!! I'm voting for his dad- again.

Lets see, what else happened this week? There was that Diana concert, it was cool. P-Diddy was allegedly making out with Sienna Miller backstage. I wonder what they'll call that celebrity couple? Sieddy? Puffienna? Pee-iller?

I bought and installed saddelbags on my motorcycle. 

A fellow blogger almost got drunk, and I may or may not have been mixing the drinks :)

I in know way, shape or form got to spend enough time with my ICE.

BTW- the previously mentiond blogger told me that I should marinate my steak in canola oil before I grill it. I'm trying it, but I gotta say, it broke my heart to try it. I'll have to post and let you know how it went. 

The M's are still playing well- so far it looks like the new manager isn't a bad thing.

The very early results say Durant was a better pick than Oden. But that's only after one summer league game.

I'm growing a beard.... at least for another day or so.

I'm going to LA.

While I'm there, I think I'm going to have dinner or drinks with one if ICE's BFF's. That's cool, she's a cool girl. Her B'day party rocked. it may be pretty interesting, because I found out today that the day we are supposed to have our visit- she is supposed to get laid off. That could be fun. good thing I'm a good listener, and a good drink buyer.

Speaking of things I buy. My mom inadvertantly reminded me this weekend that not only do I give that crazy bitch half of my income for the next few years--- until the oldest T gets out of high school (at the time, I felt like it was the right thing to do for my kids, so their lives wouldn't have to change any more than they would have too.) But that I also pay almost $500 additional a month for her insurance. Damn! It's good to be my ex wife.

The odd for me thing is that money is one of the things that she uses against me with the kids, and it works, because I don't feel its appropriate to discuss finances or divorce settlements them, and so I ride this high road, for no reason, all by myself, never really setting the record straight. Which in her world means she's right. Desperately clinging to the notion that someday, they will see the truth, and appreciate or respect me for it. Hopefully, it won't be too late- although I fear that with D, it is.

Anyway- enough rambling-
Gin Hahn,

Real New Old School R & B

I love so many different types of music. I really don't have any favorite genre's. 

That being said, I long for real solid sounding, not overproduced (raw if you will) new, Old school R&B. I love the old Stax sound. That Booker T and the MG's  rhythm section that played on so many of the hits from the 60's. I even love the Blues Brothers, not because they made a great movie, but because the music was real. It had a gritty sound to it that made you actually feel it.

I wore out the Atlantic Records 40th anniversary records. I wore out my Sam and Dave, Otis Redding, Aretha, etc...

In the past few years I've been teased by up and coming artists that might be able to make that genre come alive again.

Joss Stone had it for a while. (Actually she probably still does, but I haven't followed her as much as I should. The Soul Sessions were amazing though- and to think, she was like 14 or 15 at the time.)

I thought that maybe Tony Rich or D'Angelo were promising. (Okay- they had more of a Marvin Gaye vibe- but still, I thought it could hold up.) At any rate, they both failed to make the cut.

They both made me think of Maxwell, another Marvin Gaye type who really has put out some amazing stuff, but it is on a super slow drip. His last album was in 2001.

Anyway, back to my topic at hand. A few years back I thought that Ricky Fante would be able to cut the mustard, and while I loved his voice, I have to say after a few listens, the record sounded way overproduced. It's probably impossible for a new artist to get the record company exec's and producers to lay off and just let the performance come out. I know the sound will never work out 100% right, but I don't think you can ever beat having all the musicians play at the same time and recording it. There is a certain magic that happens "live".

Anyway this all leads me to the fact that I may have found a new R&B guy. I'm going to wait for a live show or two, and hopefully another record, but at first listen, this guy is good and has potential. Unfortunatley some of the songs are pretty short- in fact, a few are under 2 minutes, but iTunes is offering an "Next Big Thing" deal, so you can download his album for $6.99. Ryan Shaw.

Gin Hahn,

PS- Of the Next Big Thing special, I also bought the Brandie Carlile  and Great Northern albums, I'll stick them all on my iPod for this trip and let you know what I think.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


There is a nasty rumor that going around that says I have more tennis shoes than Imelda Marcos. (For you young bucks out there, Ms Marcos, before she became a politician in her own right, is famous for saying "I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty. ")

Now, I won't confirm or deny that, I'll just say that considering Ms Marcos tastes, I probably do have more sneakers than she had. And yes, I have a pair or two of jeans for every day of the week (if only I had the same amount of underwear.) But my biggest recent weakness (aside from a certain tall blonde who will go unnamed) is T-Shirts. I find they go well with my new motorcycle persona.

Actually, I've always been a fan, but lately I have been a bigger fan. And I'm pretty sure I have more T-Shirts than kicks. Anyway this is a really long, long way for me to mention this local (Seattle) company that is actually some cool t-shirts for M's fans. And since this year, the M's don't suck - it's cool to have a shirt that doesn't too.

And if you still are confused, yes 206 is the area code... but 6-4-3 is a double play.

Here's the link 643 Nation .

Gin Hahn,

PS- Keeping the baseball theme, and that of a certain weakness I have, we're in a stretch of 10+ days, we only get to see each other 3 times. In baseball 3 for 10 is an all star, but in this particular case, it sucks. So ICE, if you are reading this just to be close, I miss you too. I hope its not to hot where you are. Stay out of trouble. I'll do the same.

PSS- for those of you who think that myICE and I actually use my blog as a communication vehicle- In the words of that super fat guy from that band that was really popular a few months back "I think you're Crazy". She does read, (quite well I might add) but we talk. Its healthy. You should try it.

Bob Barker's New Career

Thanks to my friends at ESPN... or no thanks, because they didn't hire him for the job. I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming about the legendary in my mind team of Stuart Scott and Bob Barker. Can you imagine if they would then kick over to Kevin Colabro for some NBA analysis?

Dude, that would rock... Only thing that might rock more would be KC doing the play-by-play for the Beyonce/Shakira tape. I know my man would be up for it. (Of course after typing that line, now in my head I hear Chris Berman doing the play by play... Shakira goes back, back, back, back...)

Bob Barker Sports Center tryout

Gin Hahn,


A little nugget from a co-worker.

Sam just turned 2. The revolution continues...

"So I was telling Erika the Jin Hahn story the other day, like I told you. A couple days go by and we were all driving in the car and Samuel started saying “Jin Hahn”, clear as day."

Jin Hahn,

Monday, July 2, 2007

iPhone, Do something you can tell your grandkids about!

Here's some video of people in line, courtesy of Rolling Stone. That's right, the people who immortalized and revolutionized rock and roll - or at least reported on it. Wow -we've come so far.

Things Get Ugly in the iPhone Line

Drink more Gin Hahn,

Friday, June 29, 2007

Don't have your iPhone yet?

Neither do I - Actually still can't buy them for another 51 mins. here.

Anyway here are some takes on what we are missing.

Colberts iPhone review

Conan's iPhone Commercial

SNL's Steve Jobs Announcement

And a real review, that'll make you want to go get in line... if that's your thing.

David Pogue's actual review

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


My Ex wife is a crazy bitch!

Saying that helps me keep balance and prevents me from going off the edge.

She may have a sould mate though in the category of "crazy fat psycho people with little grasp on reality who are extremely hypocritical men haters"

Rosie's kid plays with guns

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bonds - Arod and the headcase

Okay- this is my one and only post where I'll even mention his name.

Barry Bonds is approaching Hank Aaron's record of 755 career home runs. That sucks. It's gonna take one hell of a steroided up asterisk in the record books for that puppy. On the bright side, A-rod will probably pass him in a few years, on the down side, A-rod will probably pass him in a few years. Sorry I just think Lame-rod is a bigger dick than I am.

With all the hub-bub this week around the Griffmaster coming back, I'm actually liking him again and forgetting what a self centered headcase he is. At least I always felt like he was trying to win games for the team, as opposed to our current centerfielder.

Did you know that 200,000 people (one-third the population of Seattle) attended last years gay pride festivities in Seattle? Man, that's gay.

Did you know that 1 out of every 150 people in King County is a lawyer? I'll let you insert your own joke here.

Jin Hahn,

37 Seconds in Paradise

So it turns out that the average reader of my blog stays for 37 seconds. When I write more often, that number goes up- but even when I haven't said anything new lately I still get an average of a 37 second stay, which means one of two things- A, you like what I said and will read it again, over and over - or B- my page takes 34 seconds to load and it takes you 3 seconds to figure out there is nothing new here.

Should I write longer posts? Will you stay long enough to read them? Do I care? Should I write, and read them back to see how long it takes and aim for a 37 second window? If I did, what would I assume about the reading level of my visitors? After all, I assume you are fairly well read, have at least a fourth grade education, and lets face it- I don't really write a t a much higher level than that.

Anyway, since I like making lists - here's a list of future entries that have been running around in my mind- maybe if I list them here I won't forget.

Best songwriting teams
Songs on my mindpod
Best rain songs
My latest love (She's gotta cold heart, but I can melt it)

Gin Hahn,

Friday, June 22, 2007

The week that was...

There is always so much going on, so much happening.

I've been riding my new ride and totally digging it. Don't worry- Tatoos are next. I'd say body piercing, but I already have that one...

Speaking of Prince Albert. I saw bits and pieces of the interview with the Royals. As they keep getting older, does anyone actually believe that they have the same father?

Father knows best. Sometimes. Dad, in case you are reading, you may actually be able to get a bike up that hill, but I couldn't sleep with myself if you died trying, so no bet. Sorry.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word, but I generally struggle more with "told you so" not really sure why that is.

Is there something in the air? I know I always complain that its been a long week, but this one felt like it was. And tonight is the first friday night in forever that I get to spend with my Ice, but she has girls only plans, which is cool, and I might meet up with them later, but honestly I'm kinda lost tonight. I rarely have nothing to do (okay, cutting the grass doesn't count-it'll be there tomorrow) and I never have no plans on a Friday night. Oh and don't feel sorry for me and invite me to entertain you, I'm just gonna chillax.

Hillary got funny, which is good, cause she really doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor. Kinda reminds me of one of my other favorite Comedy Roast Jokes... I'll modify it to Hillary for you. It goes something like she's so not funny that the only funny bone she's got is when mine is... I'll let you finish that one.

Speaking of Penny Marshalls Dick... (Penny Marshall, what were you thinking, I wouldn't fuck Penny Marshall with Penny Marshall's dick) Have you seen Jeff Ross's new show? Its the one with the impersonators- not sure what its called, all I can say is the impersonators suck but it gives the judges a chance to rip on them.

Which reminds me I heard a funny big dick joke, and you know how I love those...

You know how I make my dick 13 inches?
I fold it in half.

Gin Hahn,

Oh, I almost forgot about this...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Celebutards be warned...

This little link was passed along by a faithful reader who mentioned that it may be blogworthy. You be the judge.

I say we modify this puppy a bit, instead of food, (obviously that wouldn't work.) place a little bit of whatever illegal substance is popular with Lindsey and Paris and watch the hilarity ensue.

Squirrel Catapult

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Lesbians like chicks too.

Who knew?


Interestingly, or not really, I don't know a lot of these ladies. and I have to say that this helps prove my theory- guys always get a bad wrap for objectifying women, but we don't do lists like these, and they put these lists in mens magazines, and they sell more copies, but thats because those months the women buy them.

Men don't discriminate and rank women, we just want to see their boobies once.

Gin Hahn,

If You See Kaye - The Police
(apologies to NWA)

Greetings readers,

Wednesday night, I saw The Police at the Key Arena. They rocked the second half of the show. They are great musicians. Stings voice is amazing. However, during the first half of the show, I did have a few thoughts.

Please warm up before you take the stage. Sure I had the pleasure of only paying $60 per seat to sit in the second to last row at the back of the arena, but for that, I figure I didn't pay to see a rehearsal.

Next time one of my favorite bands decides to tour after a 25 year hiatus, I should just remember their glory days and save the cash.

Do you think they broke up because they can't agree on a tempo?

Do you think they broke up because Stuart and Andy forget to sing backup and only sometimes remember to lip synch when they are supposed to?

My dick is so big, its bigger than Stings ego... (see previous post titled Amen Corner)

Is mid sixties too old to rock?

Is it ironic or painful that the combined age of the three performers onstage is something like 198 and they're singing "de doo doo doo, de da da da"...

Seriously, with people paying $300 a seat, you couldn't afford some new graphics for the big screen, we just got to look at the Synchronicity paint swipes over and over again? OOOhhh, they move now. Cool. My 8 year old did cooler animation on his Italy report. Don't they have powerpoint in the french countryside?

Who hires their son's band that nobody has heard of as the opening act on the biggest tour of the year? Thats good Sting you whore- keep that cash in the family.

Are these songs just too hard to play live?

That being said, I loved the second half of the show.

Gin Hahn,

PS- Paris, I know you are waiting for my wrath, but really, I think you've suffered enough. I'll take a pass this time.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Wow! I did it!

Last week I took ownership of a motorcycle. Way cool.

Today I was in a Motorcycle Safety Training class all day. Tomorrow I'll be doing the same.

Expect lots of motorcycle crazed postings coming up soon. (Maybe slowly- I'm working til midnight tonight and tomorrow to make up for the lost days of work.)

And sure I'll post a pic.

And, I gotta tell ya... I was having so much fun today, going about 10 mph on a bike. I couldn't wipe the goofy grin off my face no matter how many times I killed it. But I'm getting the hang of it.

You know what they say--Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Can't let this one slide...

As usual of late, I have no time to post, but I can't let the events of the last weekend pass without some type of comment.

Sure, we all saw it coming.
Sure, the whole having your 21st birthday party sponsored by a vodka company was a bad idea.

But seriously, rehab, again? Lindsey, I don't think your parents raised a quitter. Stop listening to your handlers. Try the same type of story Paris tried. Tell them your publicist said it was okay to drive drunk and on coke as long as it was between 4 and 6 am. That's why you were going so fast, right? You needed to get to your dealer and back off the roads before the "no driving while coked up" rules got into place.

And besides, weren't rules made for you to break them? Isn't that why you can go into any club you want, even though the rules for the rest of us is that you have to be 21?

Linds- listen to your boy, don't be a quitter, we need you out there, reminding us how not to act.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, May 25, 2007


I'll do better. Its been a long month. You should see the fruits of my labors in a bank branch near you though.

A few quick links I've been collecting.

The Encyclopedia of Life

Gin Hahn,

Monday, April 30, 2007

My latest addiction...

Run's House

This show has been cracking me up lately. I love Rev Run's interaction with his kids.

Check it out sometime, they play it several times a day on MTV, VH1 and old ones on BET.

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Weekly Update

Here's a bit about the last week, hopefully you won't be bored to tears, I know was...

I worked, and then when I had a moment off, I worked.

I did have a chance to have dinner dinner with my cousin one night and my parents another. Both we're very nice evenings, I really appreciate you spending time with me. I also had a chance to watch and coach some baseball games, that was fun, but probably not why you're here, so for the moment enough about me.

In sports news... Our hometown nine is showing signs of life. They've won enough games to be 1/2 game out of first place, but unfortunately they don't have a winning record- could make for a long summer. Our pro football team picked some guys in the draft this weekend, not sure if I should be excited or not, all I know is that they traded their most productive players from the past few seasons to the 49ers for a 4th round draft pick, because he "doesn't" have an attitude problem. And the Sonics may be moving to Las Vegas. Frankly, I think professional sports teams are good for the city. Maybe I'll post about that another time, but if they have to move I'd love to see them go to Vegas. 1. Because I would go watch them from time to time, and 2. Because it would be extremely entertaining to watch the league and the owners try to keep the payers in line in Sin City. I bet you would write daily about the missteps of those childlike millionaires in the land of legalized gambling and strip clubs. If I know anything, I know that athletes and strippers are a match made in heaven. in fact if the team moves there, now that we know there are some gay NBA players- I may have to go and dance. Out of shape white guys need money too.

Some other Vegas news... Apparently Prince who has a running gig at the Rio saw Paris Hilton in the crowd a while back and invited her onstage. Once onstage her brought her to the mic and said something along the lines of let's see if this girl can sing. At which point an embarrassed Ms. Hilton left the stage all shook up, and two songs later left the show.

In other annoying chick news... Rosie O'Donnell is leaving The View. Thank Barbara! Hopefully, I can now get through an episode of the Today show without watching a story about what's happening on the view. To rephrase an old View joke... "If Rosie speaks in the forest, is she still fat and wrong?"

More hot lesbian news... Shakira/Beyonce sex tape.... No, I've never heard that it existed, but I was watching the Beautiful Liar video and thought if I mentioned it, that maybe others would mention it, and before you know it, there would be one. Isn't that how Heather Mills got on Dancing with the Stars.

Speaking of Talentless Money Grubbing Whores.... Feel free to insert your own ex-wife joke here.

Sheryl Crow is going to save the world... apparently one square of TP at a time.

So this week, I'm off to Milwaukee for a few days for work, should be a real blast. Hopefully I'll have some spare time and something worthwhile to say or I'll lose readers faster than a Felix Hernandez fastball.

Gin Hahn,

Thursday, April 26, 2007

iLike Music!

I love to listen to music on my computer. It gets me through many days in the office, keeps me plugging along when I'm working at home, entertains me while I do the dishes... you get the picture.

The thing is, I get bored. Anyone who's visited knows that I have a pretty extensive playlist, with lots of random stuff. Something like 11,000 songs in my library- I can go 30 days without repeating a track. So to help with my boredom, I've found this new free service. it's a plug in to your iTunes. It compares your music, and what you are listening to to what others are and finds similar stuff, and then makes recommendations. Even better, it shows you links to those suggestions and even free ones that you can download. I downloaded a few free ones today, and I liked them. Not too shabby.

Anyway- this isn't an endorsement, give it a try if you like, if you don't, cool. just don't email me about privacy issues with sharing, or if it crashes your computer- I can't help you with that. If you think want to experience some new music that probably won't hurt your ears- google iLike.

Gin Hahn,

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Superficial Friends

This makes me laugh...

You can find the rest of them Here!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Times like these

We all need to take a deep breath, relax, and try to take everything a little less seriously.

When we have a national tragedy, like we had this week, I have a policy of not watching the news the first day or the following morning. There is no point. The news channels will spend hours and millions guessing at what happened and why, and it just makes me crazy. So I guess I'm a bit odd, I wait it out a few days before watching the news, it helps cut down on the misinformation.

So anyway, I'm not here to talk about tragedy. Lets lighten up, so here are a few links and random thoughts to lighten your day.

But first, a silly joke to get you in the mood.

Blonde Joke of the day
Q: Why didn't the blonde call 911 in an emergency?
A: She couldn't find the number 11 on the telephone.

Some of my bookmarks
The Superficial

The Truth

Awesome Mug Shot

Change your life

Jin Hahn,

Sunday, April 15, 2007

so sad you'll cry a little... (Part 2)

A while back I mentioned this playlist, here is some more details.

"You're Missing" - Okay, everyone says something is underrated. And this is Springsteen, so that pretty much would be impossible, right? Wrong, this forgotten track from his post 9/11 album The Rising sets a new standard for loss. While the song could easily be about the loss of a loved one after 9/11, it could just as well be about a wife waiting for her husband to come home from war, or a husband waiting for his estranged wife to return to him. Its a sad, sad story of loss, with a haunting bridge... "Children are asking if you're all right, will you be in our arms tonight"

"The last thing I needed first thing this morning" - Not only has it served as a model of song titles for new hip bands like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco, this Willie Nelson tune is heartbreak. Talk about a guy who has had a bad day, the mailman, the alarm clock, the garbage man and the gate are all out to get him, and thats before he gets to the first chorus.

"Nothing Compares 2 U" - Sure you've heard the Sinead version, but do a little work and search out any of the live versions by Prince. There is a particularly good version that is in his Hit's and B-Sides box sets.

"Icy Blue Heart" John Hiatt knows of what he sings. "His beer was warmer than the look in her eyes"

"Gone til November" - Wyclef Jean sings about those he leaves behind.

"Hallelujah" - Look, the guy ended up committing suicide, of course his songs are sad. Okay, maybe thats not true. But he's dead, and his songs are sad, you connect the dots.

"Real Love" - Not really sad, but it sounds so hopeful, and everyone needs a little hope.

"Fix You" - My kids love Coldplay. This song has become an anthem, I think they used it that world trade center movie with Nicholas Cage as a policeman. But if you close your eyes and listen to it, its really a sad tune about how as much as we may want to, you really can't fix someone else, no matter how much you love them.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

He is really smart....

Further Proof that our president is the sharpest knife in the drawer, a burger and fries short of a happy meal, one shoe short of a pair.

You get the picture.

Now follow the link.

To do anything less would be un-American.

Gin Hahn,

Friday, April 13, 2007

Nappy headed ho's... An open letter

Dear C. Vivian Stringer,

Enough already! H-O-L-Y SHIT!!

Look Don Imus is an ass, I won't dispute that, I'll defend his right to make an ass out of himself, and I'll defend others rights to make asses out of themselves pointing out what an ass he is, but enough is enough.

As a coach, I am dismayed, frustrated, annoyed. Look C. Evert Crazy or whatever the hell your name is. Don Imus didn't steal your second place trophy. Don Imus didn't take the joy out of your victory. How dare you give him that power? What are you teaching your players? Let Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton say their stuff, but hold your head high, stay above it.

Didn't you go to coaching school? I know its your five minutes here, but you earned it on the court, lets talk about your amazing story.

You lost the first four games of your season. You had a team of misfits that bonded together over the course of the season to become something. You beat DUKE! You were frickin' Rocky Balboa of women's basketball. Talk about that. Shout about that.

I don't blame Don Imus. I blame you! When they asked you about what Don Imus said, you should have had one response. "Who's Don Imus?" "I didn't see her on the court." "She played hard, but today we were just a bit better."

Come on, didn't you see Bull Durham? If you want to make it in the bigs you got to know the lines and wear clean shower shoes.

Of course it hurts, if you let it. Your job is to teach your players lessons on and off the court. Play hard, have fun, love the game, love yourself, love your teammate. Ignore their trash talking. Stay above it. Hold your head high, you are a winner.

Losers blame others. Losers give away their power. Losers let others take them down. This isn't a statement about race in america, this is about an old, insignificant man trying to be funny. He wasn't. We move on. You can't give him the power. Now his words mean something.

Your reaction gave his words value. I hope your team learns that lesson from this.

And besides, you outshone the most important news of the week. We now have proof, without a doubt, that I am not Danilynn's father.

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So you didn't like my last post?

Too bad. Lets see if this entertains you.

Anyone who has been subjected to the dreadfully awful Fergie hit "My Humps", just my get a kick out of this video.

My Humps (Fixed! Try it now)

When sang thoughtfully, the song almost makes sense... psych!

But you gotta love the irony.

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Amen Corner

As many of you know, this past weekend was The Masters, for me, as much as opening day of little league, it the true sign of spring and as they say - "Hope springs eternal, maybe this year I'll hit the links a few times."

On that front I offer you a special themed spin on one of the funniest written chapters in history. In Drew Carey's book "Dirty Jokes and Beer" he has a chapter named "101 Big Dick Jokes" in which he and his friends go back and forth with jokes that start "my dick is so big..."

I should make the same claim that Drew makes in that I'm really not that big or special, but the lines crack me up. Of course some of these will make you cringe and hopefully others will make your gut hurt. Feel free to add your own later. And they're better if you read them out loud. (Especially if you're a female)

So without further explanation, here are my (and a few from myICE)

Master's Edition: Big Dick Jokes

My dick is so big, Jim Nance interviewed it.
My dick is so big, it replaces it's own divots.
My dick is so big, it has a caddy.
My dick is so big, it tips in $100's.
My dick is so big, it has it's own green jacket.
My dick is so big, it has a non-alcaholic drink named after it.
... it does commercials for Pennzoil.
... its always "in the hunt" on Sunday.
... it has its own line of "head covers"
... it skips the Pro Am and Par 3 on Wednesday.
... it doesn't need a rake for the sand traps.
... its always longer than the ladies tee.
... even Tiger Woods likes to keep an eye on it.
... Tiger uses it to measure his drives.
... John Daly bet on it.
... it was 2 under on the back nine.
... it has a dogleg to the left.
Nick Faldo is broadcasting live from... my dick.
... hits a wedge 180 yards
... it has no short game.

The funny things is, I don't even know what half of these are supposed to mean.

Anyway, feel free to post your own big dick jokes...Masters edition.

Gin Hahn,

UPDATE! I remembered a few more....
My Dick is so big, it has endorsement deals with Cadillac and Nike.
My Dick is so big, it has its own golf cart.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Read my friend John's Blog.

Not only is he a pretty good guitar player, he's really funny.

John's Blog

This post about his pb spreader is certainly worth a read.

Jin Hahn,

Top 20 Songs with Girls Names in the title...

Don't ask me how or why I got started on this, it had something to do with what a great song Alison is, and how it would make my list of all-time favorite songs, but then I realized that it would be pretty far down the list, so I had to make a list it would be near the top of.

So here's the list, not exactly in order. (Because if your not 1st, it don't matter)

1. Allison - Elvis Costello
2. Julia - John Lennon
3. Rosalita (Come out tonight) - Bruce Springsteen
4. Mustang Sally - Otis Redding
5. Roxanne - The Police
6. Layla - Derrick and The Dominoes
7. Sara Smile - Hall and Oats
8. Ruby My Dear - Thelonious Monk
9. My Sharona - The Knack
10. GLORIA - Van Morrison
11. Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
12. A Boy Named Sue - Johnny Cash
13. Runaround Sue - Dion
14. Georgia On My Mind - Ray Charles
15. Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles ( But the Ray Charles version is better)
16. Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel
17. Maybellene - Chuck Berry
18. Lucille - BB King
19. Come on Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
20. Long Tall Sally - Little Richard

If you follow the link It'll take you to the iTunes store with samples.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

For What it's Worth

In no particular order

J. Stevens, whose name I will almost never mention here again- blew a .2 - Told you he was a stupid bitch.

I feel terrible for the Edwards family, but he should not run, not now. He's a young guy. John, stay home and take care of your wife and kids- they need you. And in 8 years, imagine the pickup lines. "Hi, I'm John, head of the free world, can I buy you a drink?"

I heard these guys on Howard Stern today, they were pretty good, and an interesting concept. If they came to town, I'd probably think about going to see them. The Fab Faux

A Little TV Wrap-Up
Lately, I've been really getting into watching Brothers and Sisters

I have TiVo'd every episode of Friday Night Lights but have only watched a few. Its a great show, and not really about sports. My ICE told me that people better watch it because it hasn't been renewed yet- so if you haven't seen it- give it a try.

Top Design, which I'm also watching on TiVo, so I could be quite a bit behind schedule finally got rid of that freaking annoying kid Michael. Finally I can watch the show.

VOTE SANJAYA Because it's funny.

Spring Break
Went to Spring Training last week with Mom, Pops, Bro and myICE. We had a great time. I sometimes forget how much I love to just watch baseball. I'm going to have to pursue my dream of visiting all of the minor league ballparks some day on vacation. I did completely lose my voice on the trip, which everyone was amused by, luckily myICE has a personality and is friendly and outgoing, she made it so that I wasn't a necessary bridge. She is amazing. (Mom, if you are reading this, I'm saying anything negative about you, you are amazing too- I'm just saying...)

Lately I've been feeling like if I was paid hourly, then I could start my retirement early.
As I write, its 7:30ish- myICE is watching Top Design reruns, and I'm waiting for a file to download so that I can check it out and send it to a press in California where 2 members of my team are anxiously awaiting its arrival so they can approve it on press. We don't usually work this way, but everyone in front of me has been late and now we're at the last minute. The bad news here- I've done something like this almost every night this week. The worse news. Its going to be like this until May. Worse than that... The guy who works for me that does files (J- you are amazing. I would be lost without you) the only other person in my company who does this particular function of my job will be taking maternity leave in late May. So make that Crazy for me until June. The crazier thing... He just bought a new house and is going to sell his current home and move himself, his 2 year old, and his 8 month pregnant wife by May 11. He's really busy- when I think I have it tough, I head down to Starbucks with him for the latest highlights. Suddenly my crazy schedule is a breeze.

Starting next month, when you walk into one of our branches, I will have touched every single printed piece you see. I think its time for my team to grow.

The Boyz
Doing great. D is taking names and kickin' ass on the soccer field. And making time for baseball as well. And on top of that, he's still managing to get good grades. I couldn't be more proud.

M Is a ROCKSTAR in the making. He's got the look, and digs it. He has personality to the 9's and he loves to entertain. He is like the boss, as some of you may have noticed. To entertain you he will give until there is nothing more to give and he collapses in a heap on the floor.

Casino Royale was a beast. If you haven't seen it, i suggest you do. Its different from all the other Bond movies. More cerebral, quiet. The first scene after the credits was amazing. After you watch it, watch it again and be wowed with the camera shots and how they managed it all. Even if you told me it was all animated or some ILM voodoo stuff I will still say its amazing. The cinematography should have won the Oscar for that one scene alone.

Can't wait for Blades of Steel. Although I imagine like all Will Farrell movies, its a bit better after a drink or two.

And with that- Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Funny or Die

This is funnier than Blades of Steel. Save the $8, unless you frequent a theatre that sells beer. Wait a few months and watch it at home with your own six pack. I guarantee it'll be funnier.

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Bon

Sorry I missed it, but I thought of you the day before, and the day after.... does that count?

Gimmie a call if you still want to do 25 for 25- I heard you did Zoe. Awesome, huh?

Jin Hahn,

Check This Out


TED Talks - at $6,000 a ticket, we can't possibly go to this event and hear the speakers. But it seems that going would change your world view.

So the next best thing would be to watch or listen to the speakers online. This link here is for a summary of what its all about. After that go to the home page and and watch or download any of the speeches that interest you... or maybe better yet, the ones that don't.

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In case you missed it before... I was right.


Jeremy Stevens ( I refuse to spell it his incorrect way, he doesn't deserve it ) is a lame ass bitch. His latest antics prove it. What a waste of talent and a human being. I mean for christ sakes, you're young, huge and have all the talent in the world. But 4 or 5 margaritas and you can't walk? Dude, you are an embarrassment.

Gin Hahn,

Saturday, March 10, 2007

EAT AT THE Hi-Life Restaurant in Ballard

Eat at the Hi-Life on Tuesday March 27th from 5pm to midnight for dinner and a cocktail in support of the creative development of our kids. The Hi-Life is joining forces with Ballard High School to raise money for our Drama and Music programs. Message from the Hi-Life: "Let's help set them up with even better funding for the next production. Go Beavers!"

I'm always up for supporting a good cause. I'll probably be out of town, so please go and raise one for me.
Jin Hahn,

Friday, March 2, 2007

Bet you didn't know...

If I sneeze 17 times in a row, my arms go numb.

The Gyroball may or may not be the biggest thing to hit the big leagues since the split fingered fastball.

Fastball is a band that drives me crazy.

Crazy is a term also reserved for my former spouse.

(No, I'm still not engaged.)

I find some of the people I work with to be extremely engaging.

The others I think are crazy.

Today at lunch I had Kobe Ravioli. Tastes great.

Say it out loud, even sounds better.

Better make mine a double. Cause I may be going to Milwaukee next week.

Weekends never come fast enough. And Monday is always too soon.

Sooner or later it will all catch up to you.

You better take your time.

Enjoy this moment,and the next one too.

Gin Hahn,