Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I just want 10%

I often wish that I could get paid just 10% of what I save my company each year. 

Anyway here is further proof that AT&T apparently didn't attend the Live Earth concerts. 
(And that I'm not an employe)

How much does it cost to mail a 300 page phone bill? Apparently about $7. 
(Ex-wife take note, you could have stuffed a lot more stuff in that package -- too bad your imagination ran short.) 

Anyway, I think I'm going to throw my hat in at AT&T maybe I could be one of those "consultants" big companies hire. "So I've got this idea, if we switch our billing default to summary billing, and make it so that customers have to request or sign up for itemized billing, we can save... let me see here 250,000 iPhone customers x $7 postage and lets say $3 printing, times 12 times a year.... carry the one..... $30 million a year in cost saves."

Gin Hahn,

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