Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life, in 140 Characters or less....

I'm thinking that Twitter may be just right for me.

I have lots to say, but its usually pretty random, and often not very well thought out - but if I don't say these stupid things, or write them down, they gut stuck in my head and rattle around in there for days until I do something with them.

And while I love the time we spend together here- I almost always feel responsible to stretch it out a bit. Which I'll continue to do, just not as often. And all of those little nagging bits, I'll Tweet those.

In fact, when I post here, I'll probably Tweet there so you know its out there.

But like all things me - take it or leave it, it makes no difference to me. Like I've said many, many times... This is for me, not you. Its my time machine. My digital time capsule. I can check in on it down the road and see how I was feeling, what I was going thru on a given day. What entertained me. Who pissed me off.

Because I know that my memory is short - and I'll forget.

So peace for now - we'll chat again soon.

And follow my short bursts of random thoughts. At your discretion.

Gin Hahn,