Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Really, I was wishing you'd gone away

Sorry- Probably more than 140 characters here.

Shall we talk about TV for a moment? For years, "The Girls Next Door" has been the most annoying half hour on TV. I'm not sure who watches it. It's not guys - we don't mind being teased a bit, but we certainly aren't going to come back week, after week, after week to be teased by some kinda hot but not hot enough to be in the magazine and certainly annoying and whiney and giggly chicks that pretend to be all lovee-dovey with a viagra takin' octogenarian. So who watched this shit? Ladies? Nope- I know you'll are smarter than that.

Anyway, it was a glorious day when the show ended. But now while surfing the net this morning I stumbled across this.

Seriously, yes- I do want you to go away. How did you get engaged when you were dating Hef all these years? Was it all a lie for TV? Say it ain't so. And are you and Holly still hanging together? Thank the maker! Oh, wait, I get to see your workout playlist? Fantastic! I'm stoked! And you get your own reality show? You just realized it's St. Patty's day, and your implants are Irish?

It's good to know that you don't need to be smart, or educated or even pretty to be a star and have america love you.

There's hope for me yet.

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Pretend to be Irish day

Here's a few ramblings that are spinning in my cobwebs. More than 140 characters, so it's going to show up here. If you dare to read, you'll most likely suspect that I'm in need of some medication as my thought pattern may appear a bit hyperactive - in reality, while I may need medication, I'm just writing in between things and not going to go back and proof read. So deal with it, or don't. Remember this is about me, not you. I started writing this more than a week ago when I was crazy busy with work. Its slowing a bit for a few days. Time to catch my breath.

Last week Two weeks ago, we ventured down to Palm Springs. There is something about that town that boggles me. I can't put my finger on it. Something about how the old money and the gay community collide, or don't collide. And how all these young straight people hit the town looking to hook up and don't realize that there won't be any others of their same persuasion available. Its just an odd place. But I do love the weather. Also - don't get how a town that is a "destination" shuts down at 8pm on weeknights.

NCAA Tourney time. This weekend was all hoops all the time, as we watched all the conference tourneys in preparation for filling out our brackets. MyICE and I are headed to PDX this week to watch the first two rounds in person. We didn't imagine when we threw our names in the ticket lottery a year ago that we would get to see our hometown heros. We are buzzing.

And struggling to make it to the finish line. We won't head down their until about 8pm Wednesday. And then we have 4 games on Thursday. Thats a lot of sitting around. Something I excel at.

Writing a business plan for a Vodka company. We'll need a few thousand bucks to get us started. If you are interested in investing, let me know.

I've been listening a lot to the new U2 record. I dig it. Not bad for some old farts from Ireland.

I've had a subscription to Rolling Stone for years. I finally stopped it last year when I hadn't read any of them for months. Now I've bought the last 3 issues. What's up with that? I like the new format, and the writing is good again and the stories are relevant.

No more Seattle-PI. I'm bothered by this, not just the PI, but the Rocky Mountain News, the TNT, and all the others that are going by the wayside. Where will all the journalists go? Online newspapers aren't the answer. People aren't paying for them and ad's aren't really working out as a model either. Without good old fashioned newspaper reporters we wouldn't have known about Watergate, WMD's (or lack there of) and I'm certain a ton of other stories that are escaping my mind at the moment. It is a sad day.

The economy sucks. Just thought I'd mention it. I have my resume ready. If only someone was hiring locally in my field.

At the moment I'm listening to a Springsteen bootleg from the 1999-2000 tour. Its good. The E Street Band is really good live.

Speaking of what I'm listening to. I set up a script that sends what I'm listening to to a twitter feed. Over a hundred people have subscribed to it. I can't understand why. But I guess that was part of the social experiment.

Starbucks has discontinued Energy. Nice, they hook me and then the ditch it. Now that I'm addicted I'll have to find another source to get all hopped up on.

Prince is putting out 3 records this year. Springsteen, U2 and Prince. Feels like 1988 all over again. Maybe I'll grow my hair out and wear my jeans too short and tight again. Most likely no one wants to see that.

I think we're narrowing down the wedding date and location.

Oh and my birthday is coming up. If you were inclined to send a gift, I'd love a gift certificate to the Inn at Langley.

That's it for now.
Gin Hahn,