Sunday, June 24, 2007

37 Seconds in Paradise

So it turns out that the average reader of my blog stays for 37 seconds. When I write more often, that number goes up- but even when I haven't said anything new lately I still get an average of a 37 second stay, which means one of two things- A, you like what I said and will read it again, over and over - or B- my page takes 34 seconds to load and it takes you 3 seconds to figure out there is nothing new here.

Should I write longer posts? Will you stay long enough to read them? Do I care? Should I write, and read them back to see how long it takes and aim for a 37 second window? If I did, what would I assume about the reading level of my visitors? After all, I assume you are fairly well read, have at least a fourth grade education, and lets face it- I don't really write a t a much higher level than that.

Anyway, since I like making lists - here's a list of future entries that have been running around in my mind- maybe if I list them here I won't forget.

Best songwriting teams
Songs on my mindpod
Best rain songs
My latest love (She's gotta cold heart, but I can melt it)

Gin Hahn,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find that ever since you loaded the video about the landlady, your page takes forever to load and to let me exit it.