Friday, June 6, 2008

Dinner with Sir Paul

Okay you foodies and music fans.

You can have dinner with Paul McCartney, you know that guy, he was in that band, not Wings...well yeah Wings, but before Wings...

Anyway, you can have dinner with one of Englands wealthiest bachelors for only $25 bucks. Virtually. And you can eat food from the naked chef, as long as you cook it yourself.

Regardless, its for a good cause. So Adopt-a-minefield.

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Please, Please, Please...

James Brown Live at the Apollo was one of the greatest albums of all time, if you've never heard it, give it a listen.

But seriously, Hillary Clinton needs to stop. Give up. Concede. Go Home. I just watched her speech where she once again didn't.

She wants our opinion. Here it is. Get out of the race. It is for the good of the party. We don't want you. Bill doesn't want you. But I won't go there, and I should note that is my opinion and toss in an allegedly, but really, he's a guy, and I think he's straight so I feel pretty safe in saying that I'm correct.

I was a fan of Bill's, but the right wing will drag us into an even further funk if we have another Cinton in the white house.

So lets move on. Barak or John lets get deciding.

Gin Hahn,