Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So you didn't like my last post?

Too bad. Lets see if this entertains you.

Anyone who has been subjected to the dreadfully awful Fergie hit "My Humps", just my get a kick out of this video.

My Humps (Fixed! Try it now)

When sang thoughtfully, the song almost makes sense... psych!

But you gotta love the irony.

Gin Hahn,


R & R said...

A few things:

1. It isn't that I didn't like the last post, as much as I am too dumb for it and don't do golf nor do I have male anatomy to make fun of...

2. I think that you meant to say "may" instead of "my" in this post.

3. I don't think your hyperlink works... :(

4. Still adore you just the same...

T-Dawg said...

Sorry fixed the link, I always forget the friggin = sign.

And your right about the typo- but its my policy to leave them once they've been posted. I'm here warts and all.

Technically, my anatomy doesn't live up to the jokes either, but don't let not having it keep you from being funny. I know you have it in you.

Gin Hahn,

PS-myICE usually comes up with some of the best ones...

R & R said...

um..yeah...that is pretty entertaining...that is about the last thing I expected from her....interesting...

and yea for the warts!