Friday, March 2, 2007

Bet you didn't know...

If I sneeze 17 times in a row, my arms go numb.

The Gyroball may or may not be the biggest thing to hit the big leagues since the split fingered fastball.

Fastball is a band that drives me crazy.

Crazy is a term also reserved for my former spouse.

(No, I'm still not engaged.)

I find some of the people I work with to be extremely engaging.

The others I think are crazy.

Today at lunch I had Kobe Ravioli. Tastes great.

Say it out loud, even sounds better.

Better make mine a double. Cause I may be going to Milwaukee next week.

Weekends never come fast enough. And Monday is always too soon.

Sooner or later it will all catch up to you.

You better take your time.

Enjoy this moment,and the next one too.

Gin Hahn,


R & R said...

Like the new it permanent?

Bon said...

Dude, that Jin Hahn guy is no slouch! I forget, how did you meet him?

R & R said...

Whoa-- I thought that the link wasn't to "the" Jin Hahn, but just "a" Jun Hahn...? hmmm...I get confused so easily...Hope you're feeling better...

T-Dawg said...

I haven't met this Jin Hahn, he showed up when I did a google search for it...