Saturday, August 4, 2007

An Uncharacteristic Moment of Sanity

Last weekend may have been the most difficult so far in my young life.

Things really came to a head with boys as their mother sold the house that they live in and amped up her threats to move them north to Bellingham. I'll spare the world all the details, just say that in no uncertain terms she has made it clear in their minds that they have to move because of me.

My youngest mentioned how Bill Gates and I are very much alike, we both are really rich, but he shares his money and I keep it all to myself.

Now, if you know me at all, you probably know that while I may spend money like I am, I'm not rich, and I don't believe that any of this conversation is something that should be had with an 8 year old. Kids should be kids, Financial issues should never come to mind. And certainly dirty laundry between parents should stay between parents, it should never be used as a wedge between parents and children. (I understand that this is my blog- and I get to be one sided - but people get divorced. And no matter what anyone thinks, its never just one persons fault. You would think some people would pick that up in a years worth of marriage counseling)

Anyway, lets just say it was a long weekend and leave it at that.

Anyhoo, back to the moment of clarity. In a stunner, the crazy person that is my ex wife somehow realized that she in fact could afford to live in the city, (especially after walking away with what I imagine will be around 300K from selling the family home - I say imagine because 1- I really don't want to know, and 2- The kids were instructed not to tell me - I didn't ask, but that did come up) 

So I'm getting tired of writing, but for all of you out there who may be concerned. They kids are staying put. (In a bizarre twist that I won't share with them- they now only live about two blocks from my-ICE. The crazy bitch need not know where she lives) They have found a great new place that the boys are really excited to move into. One that fits a family their size so much better than what they had before. ( Not many 16 year-olds want to share a bedroom with a 9 year old) 

The looming threat for the last year has gone away, and apparently I do pay her too much for her to get public assistance, even in Bellingham they don't give it to people who make enough to have a house, a car, HBO,  and all their groceries and dinners delivered. 

Gin Hahn,

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ahh, the neighborhood.....

I love where I live. 

I love that there are a ton of things that I can walk to. (Okay- truth... I've walked to dinner twice from here, and coffee twice, and the video store once.) But the thing is, I can if the mood strikes me. 

I've been thinking about moving, especially if the kids move to Bellingham (which is looking more and more like a reality these days) that I may move too. Someplace that is more convenient for My-ICE, too. (Do not read Tacoma) And really, in fairness to her and I and our lives together we should start building a place that is ours and not just mine or hers, but I digress, and while she does read my blog I'll drop in my usual disclaimer here that the whole world shouldn't read too much into what I've written here and no, I didn't just ask her to officially move in with me in front of the entire world. Things just keep evolving. And of course you would be the first person we told if there was anything to tell, and by the way, much to nobody's surprise, Nicole Richie is now actually confirming that she is pregnant. (See what I did there)

Anyhow, if I actually did move, I would plug any potential new address into this website before moving, just to make sure I was heading someplace where I could roam the streets and find good eats, or a haircut.

BTW, my current estate scored a 77 out of a potential 100, which I think is a pretty good score. (For a point of reference, the house I grew up in scored a 37, and the boys house in Ballard scores a 60.)

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Favorite lines...

Fortunately, I've either said, or had these said to me... and no one was joking!

Do you need glasses? (With the pitcher of beer you are buying) 
Why, was I squinting?

One of these cookies has only 100 calories. 
Really, which one?

I had a bunch of others in my head, but they've disappeared for now, so I'll keep adding to this post later.

Gin Hahn