Saturday, February 23, 2008

Look for the curve, and they throw a change-up...

So I had a discussion with my boys today that I have been dreading for quite some time. I knew my youngest would most likely take it well, but you never know for sure. And my oldest, well I didn't expect much good, but sometimes we just have to keep moving on with our lives. It really is what is in everyones best interest.

So anyway I had these talks with them. I did it seperately so that they could each have their own reactions and not have it colored by the other.

How did it go you ask? Well the youngest was better than I dreamed, he seems excited about the prospects of this change in our lives (at least for now) and really took the news quite well. (He has even said several times today how happy for me he is- unsolicited even.)

The older, well, he just didn't want to talk about it, which I respected. He has the news, and we can discuss it when he is ready. I told him that I'm sure it brings a million questions to his mind, or will at some point, and I will chat about them anytime he wants to. I told him I won't always have answers to all his questions, but that no matter what I love him and his brother and we can and will get thru anything.

All in all, the day went way better than expected. Actually, I'm in shock. I half expected him to walk out the door and that I'd never see him again. (He may go home tomorrow and find that his mom sees that as an option, and push him too it - but we all hope not.) Instead, we actually had several interactions today, he didn't spend all day hiding out in his room. Our relationship is healing.

I know the other shoe will drop at some point, but for the moment, I'm at peace. Tonight will be the best sleep I'll have had with them in the house in quite a while.

Gin Hahn!

1 comment:

R & R said...

I was going to e-mail you about this around an hour ago. Instead, I just compulsively kept checking here for news. I am glad you had the conversation. I'm glad you can mark it off of your list. I hope they continue to embrace the change. It'll all work out. I am proud of you for doing what is best for you. Your happiness will make you a better dad.