Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Week That Was 7/7/07

Say what you will about Al Gore... Forget that he put together the whole Live Earth concert, and all that. ( Here's the deal on that. from my perspective- I tivo'd all 22 hours, and honestly- if they would have cut out 3/4's of the PSA's about how we were fucking up the planet- I could have saved so much energy.... and disk space.)

The fact is, his kid Al Gore III was arrested last week for possession, and you know what? I'm voting for that MF'er. His kid got a Prius to go 100mph. That is AWESOME!!! I'm voting for his dad- again.

Lets see, what else happened this week? There was that Diana concert, it was cool. P-Diddy was allegedly making out with Sienna Miller backstage. I wonder what they'll call that celebrity couple? Sieddy? Puffienna? Pee-iller?

I bought and installed saddelbags on my motorcycle. 

A fellow blogger almost got drunk, and I may or may not have been mixing the drinks :)

I in know way, shape or form got to spend enough time with my ICE.

BTW- the previously mentiond blogger told me that I should marinate my steak in canola oil before I grill it. I'm trying it, but I gotta say, it broke my heart to try it. I'll have to post and let you know how it went. 

The M's are still playing well- so far it looks like the new manager isn't a bad thing.

The very early results say Durant was a better pick than Oden. But that's only after one summer league game.

I'm growing a beard.... at least for another day or so.

I'm going to LA.

While I'm there, I think I'm going to have dinner or drinks with one if ICE's BFF's. That's cool, she's a cool girl. Her B'day party rocked. it may be pretty interesting, because I found out today that the day we are supposed to have our visit- she is supposed to get laid off. That could be fun. good thing I'm a good listener, and a good drink buyer.

Speaking of things I buy. My mom inadvertantly reminded me this weekend that not only do I give that crazy bitch half of my income for the next few years--- until the oldest T gets out of high school (at the time, I felt like it was the right thing to do for my kids, so their lives wouldn't have to change any more than they would have too.) But that I also pay almost $500 additional a month for her insurance. Damn! It's good to be my ex wife.

The odd for me thing is that money is one of the things that she uses against me with the kids, and it works, because I don't feel its appropriate to discuss finances or divorce settlements them, and so I ride this high road, for no reason, all by myself, never really setting the record straight. Which in her world means she's right. Desperately clinging to the notion that someday, they will see the truth, and appreciate or respect me for it. Hopefully, it won't be too late- although I fear that with D, it is.

Anyway- enough rambling-
Gin Hahn,

1 comment:

R & R said...

It is not too late. One day he will be living independently away from the brainwashing that occurs at your ex's. He will get it. He will understand. He will respect it. He will also be broken-hearted about it all. Just as you do now, you will be there and you will be a good dad. You will not confirm his new conclusions about his mom (that he WILL eventually arrive at) because that will just make it more difficult for him. Instead, you will be the dad he needs and you will teach him what it means to be a real man. Then, when he grows up to have his own children and you see him with them, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you, not your ex, taught him how to be a good parent via your example. She, on the other hand, will know that her son is everything she is not (Then-- she'll hate you more and we will all drink).

Gin Hahn and keep your chin up!