Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Ex-Husbands of King County

So I'd like to pitch this reality show.

Actually I have a friend who suggested it, he said it'd actually be compelling TV and that he'd watch. Which is cool because he doesn't watch much.

Anyway another friend of mine also has a crazy ex. Her kids wised up and all live with him now. (After she moved them out of the state - they all wanted to come back and go to high school with their friends and their dad really isn't half bad either) 

So check this out, this guy has basically been living in a cardboard box for the past few years to get by while he sent most of his paycheck out of state. (I on the other hand just keep going deeper and deeper in debt- but that's another story) Over the past two years, his kids have all moved up here to live with him (except the one who has since moved on to an Ivy league school.) Anyway his ex is now trying to sue him for more alimony so that she can afford her new child support bill.

Of course you'd watch. You can't look away.

Gin Hahn,

Goin' off the rails on a crazy train


I thought I was going to get thru November with only one bout of craziness from that complete bitch.

I was wrong. I should know better.

Everyone always says don't get sucked in, she isn't right, she is crazy.

But I have to deal with it. Why is it that just because you were stupid enough to marry someone once you have to be forever linked to them and have to put up with their crazy shit?

Isn't more than half my income each year enough? Isn't that the price of my sanity?

Can't I move on with my life without it hurting my children? Don't I deserve that? Don't they? Doesn't myICE? Doesn't the crazy one?

Can you put a restraining order on craziness?

How come she doesn't have the same filter the rest of us do?

Why is it okay for her to spew ridiculous accusations my way and get of scot free? If I say anything back she goes crazier and tells my kids stupid stuff. I'd never do that. She knows that. She knows I won't even defend stupid stuff to them, so they grow up filled with terrible facts about their dad in their heads.

Sure someday they'll see who's crazy. But for once, can someday come today?

Someday, if you are out there... I really could use you... Just this once... please... pretty please...

Gin Hahn,

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Almost impossible rock & roll quiz...

Put together by our friends over at Rolling Stone is the Almost Impossible Rock and Roll Quiz. 

Give this baby a shot, I scored a 38. Can you do better? Tell me your score and which question was the hardest/most ridiculous.

I will be impressed.

Gin Hahn,