Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Does Anyone Know the Number?

So it seems that the holiday season is a popular engagement season. (No, nothing here to report... Kate is still hanging out with Tom, she needs to hang in a few more months for the prenup to properly kick in.)

But of the 5 couples I actually know that have gotten engaged since mid November, two have already either called it off or put it on hold. So I now ponder the thought...

50+% of marriages end in divorce. (100% end in either divorce or death, just to point out the obvious)

What % of engagements end in marriage? Does time of year make a difference?

Do we have an engagement problem in society rather than a marriage/divorce problem?

If I were to extrapolate the numbers of my extremely small test group we would get this picture....

5 engagements
-2 that never make it to the altar.
=3 marriages
-1.5 ish that end in divorce
=1.5 out of 5 that end in death.

Not a very good number.

Gin Hahn,

New Year, not lot to say...

Well its been a crazy new year so far. There have been so many crazy, exciting football games taking my time. I've been working out ( a little- hopefully it'll last, although the over/under on my fancy new elliptical trainer showing up on craigslist is 3 months) And apple as finally introduced the long awaited iPhone. For as long as people have been talking about it coming, I've been saying I have no desire to have an iPod and a phone all in one, and I have no use for a blackberry. Well, apparently I was wrong.

Okay, I'm rarely wrong, so lets just say mistaken. I suddenly can't wait until June to get one of these.

Anyway, my blogging is actually limited because I am spending several hours a day working on writing databases, which truth be told is miles out of my area of expertise, so when I finally get a free moment, I can't possibly think of anything to say worth typing.


Gin Hahn-