Friday, January 4, 2008

Another Great Thing About the Mac

Here is a hidden little gem.

If you have a mac- and run are running the latest version of the operating system, did you know that it can summarize yourself for...yourself (Austin Powers). I've been using this feature lately when writing really long emails to big groups. It lets you tell the quick story for those with ADD and then the ones who care more can read the extended dance remix. Kinda cool.

Gin Hahn,

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Picking the right candidate

There are several sources online to help you pick the presidential candidate that most closely resembles your beliefs and values for the current election.

The tip here is, you better choose now, just to see who might fit, because in a few weeks - after the primary season gets going-- chances are the candidate that closely aligns to your beliefs will be out of the running.

And I bet you are surprised by who you pick. I know I was....

Try these links.

In a surprise (to me) upset- it looks like Chris Dodd should be my man, but he didn't win the nomination back when he was Lloyd Benson, so I imagine he's not going to win now either. Coming in second or first depending on how I change my  mind is Mike Gravel, but really, I don't see him as a viable candidate either. So when it gets down to it - the polls say I'm either a Obama or Edwards guy, and I think I'm okay with that. And while I love Bill, I won't vote Hillary. And it has nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman. I would vote for one if there was a good option out there. I won't vote for her because it feels like everytime she talks, she's yelling. And now that I'm all growns up, I know that I don't need some lady yelling at me all the time. Reason #5 on why T is divorced.

Anyway- Try the links and enjoy.
Gin Hahn,

Congrads to me...

I just won my football pool - Take that bitches!

I think I win a couple hundred bucks. Nice!

For the record, on the season I am 174-81 at picking the winning team. Not too bad. One week I only missed one game. And in case you were wondering, my team name.... Leave me a Lohan. It seemed relevant at the time.

Gin Hahn,