Thursday, July 5, 2007


There is a nasty rumor that going around that says I have more tennis shoes than Imelda Marcos. (For you young bucks out there, Ms Marcos, before she became a politician in her own right, is famous for saying "I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty. ")

Now, I won't confirm or deny that, I'll just say that considering Ms Marcos tastes, I probably do have more sneakers than she had. And yes, I have a pair or two of jeans for every day of the week (if only I had the same amount of underwear.) But my biggest recent weakness (aside from a certain tall blonde who will go unnamed) is T-Shirts. I find they go well with my new motorcycle persona.

Actually, I've always been a fan, but lately I have been a bigger fan. And I'm pretty sure I have more T-Shirts than kicks. Anyway this is a really long, long way for me to mention this local (Seattle) company that is actually some cool t-shirts for M's fans. And since this year, the M's don't suck - it's cool to have a shirt that doesn't too.

And if you still are confused, yes 206 is the area code... but 6-4-3 is a double play.

Here's the link 643 Nation .

Gin Hahn,

PS- Keeping the baseball theme, and that of a certain weakness I have, we're in a stretch of 10+ days, we only get to see each other 3 times. In baseball 3 for 10 is an all star, but in this particular case, it sucks. So ICE, if you are reading this just to be close, I miss you too. I hope its not to hot where you are. Stay out of trouble. I'll do the same.

PSS- for those of you who think that myICE and I actually use my blog as a communication vehicle- In the words of that super fat guy from that band that was really popular a few months back "I think you're Crazy". She does read, (quite well I might add) but we talk. Its healthy. You should try it.

Bob Barker's New Career

Thanks to my friends at ESPN... or no thanks, because they didn't hire him for the job. I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming about the legendary in my mind team of Stuart Scott and Bob Barker. Can you imagine if they would then kick over to Kevin Colabro for some NBA analysis?

Dude, that would rock... Only thing that might rock more would be KC doing the play-by-play for the Beyonce/Shakira tape. I know my man would be up for it. (Of course after typing that line, now in my head I hear Chris Berman doing the play by play... Shakira goes back, back, back, back...)

Bob Barker Sports Center tryout

Gin Hahn,


A little nugget from a co-worker.

Sam just turned 2. The revolution continues...

"So I was telling Erika the Jin Hahn story the other day, like I told you. A couple days go by and we were all driving in the car and Samuel started saying “Jin Hahn”, clear as day."

Jin Hahn,

Monday, July 2, 2007

iPhone, Do something you can tell your grandkids about!

Here's some video of people in line, courtesy of Rolling Stone. That's right, the people who immortalized and revolutionized rock and roll - or at least reported on it. Wow -we've come so far.

Things Get Ugly in the iPhone Line

Drink more Gin Hahn,