What If? (A post in progress)
I just finished reading an incredibly shitty novel. It was one of those ones with great potential, but it felt like the author got bored with the premise about half way thru. I suppose we all have days like that at the office. Anyway, I bought the book a while back at the airport and had been reading it while I traveled. It was just to pass the time, so I suppose I got my monies worth.
So here's how I operate. During normal life, I barely have time to read anything longer than the playboy letters column, so when I travel I tend to pick up one of those best seller page turners. I call them airplane books. And they usually get me through a trip. Anyway, the last several "airplane" books I have read have in some way or another been in the theme of the DaVinci code. You know, Christianity is a scheme, the Templars know the truth and its one of the worlds great conspiracies. I'm an easy target. I don't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I've never been able to take the bible literally. I don't believe Barry Bonds. I tend to think that the new owners of the Seattle Supersonics only ever wanted to move the team to Oklahoma City.
But I digress. Since finally finishing this latest crap of Templar shit - I'd say the name here, but I don't want to encourage the endorsement. I know that if I mention a book here, people will read it- That's just the kind of power this little blog wields-- I'd rather that you read something worthwhile like the latest Tucker Max book.
Anyway this one, and a few of the others I read the past year or so while traveling have got me thinking.
What if...
What if one day, we woke up and there was irrefutable evidence that the basic fundamental principles of christianity were in fact a great hoax? What if there was a gospel according to Jesus Christ, written in his own hand? What if in it, he proclaimed to be a normal man, a prophet? What if he talked about his family, his wife, his children?
How would the world change? How many people would suddenly feel like they had nothing to live for? Would we have tons of whack-o's coming out of the woodwork? Would anyone believe it? Would it matter?
There's more questions, but I'm tired of thinking at the moment - maybe I'll come back to this someday.
Gin Hahn,